Your actions and decisions determine who you are
I was never very attractive according to the standards of society. Dark-skinned and plump...
I was never very attractive according to the standards of society. Dark-skinned and plump. I was always pointed at by the teachers and was not included by my classmates in any activities. My brother, on the other hand, was the star of his class. Good grades, an athlete, and everyone’s friend. Being in the same school was not easy. I ended up on the border of self-harm as I could not cope with the pressure of being, looking, and feeling better. I came across a retired teacher who was also a counselor. I started visiting her on a regular basis and found it difficult to digest when she accepted me as I am. No taunts, no comparison to my brother, and no comments on my appearance. This attitude affected me in such a positive way that after about 5-6 months, my grades went up, I was participating in the school sports, and making friends, and for the very first time, was not conscious of my skin color/ texture. I am now a working woman and I want to thank that life guide who brought me out of the dark place. Taking inspiration from her, I am doing the same for all the confused teens who think they are not good enough or pretty enough. Please never ever feel that what you look like determines who you are. Your actions and decisions will do that for you.