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FOMO: When Life Becomes a Constant Game of Catching-Up

Updated: Jun 29, 2022

We live in a world of likes, hits, and clicks. Such advent of social media has proven to be both a boon and a bane.

We live in a world of likes, hits, and clicks. Such advent of social media has proven to be both a boon and a bane. One such example is the phenomenon of FOMO (Fear of missing out). FOMO is a term for describing the feeling of constantly lacking behind or missing out on experiences, opportunities and achievements, which other people may have access to.

Have you ever felt this feeling? If yes, we would like to assure you that you are not alone. In fact, FOMO is a shared experience.

We all have had thoughts like: -

“Everybody has figured themselves out, only I am left.”
“Others are achieving so much more in their life; I am lacking behind.”
“Others have such a cool friend group; I feel left behind.”
“Others are travelling to such cool places; I am missing out on such experiences.”
“Others have so many followers; I would never be able to.”

Understanding this concept lets dig deeper and discover ways to heal FOMO: -

  1. We must understand that nobody’s life is perfect. We all are humans, battling with our own problems making all of us immensely capable in our own ways.

  2. Other’s level of achievements does not make our achievements less or more valid or valuable. Let’s celebrate all of our achievements no matter big or small.

  3. By comparing ourselves to others we sometimes forget our unique path. Let’s uncover our personal desires and passions to lead our unique journeys.

  4. Let’s not be hard on ourselves, society will always expect us to do everything and be everything. We will not be able to satisfy every single person always.

  5. Experiencing feelings of inferiority and envy does not make us bad; it only makes us human. Even if we don’t admit everyone experiences these feelings one time or another.

Let’s begin our personal journey and realise our full potential together. Join us at MannRaahi to explore teen psychology and mental health. Help is at reach for you, connect with a psychologist if you're struggling, we can work through difficulties together.


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